Paketi sjemena-Zadenpakket 'Startende moestuin'-BS91002
EAN-code : 8717202605330
- -10%
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 2
EAN code: 8711117218609
Contents: ca. 1 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 12.7x8.7x0.05
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 5
EAN code: 8711117218005
Contents: 20 zdn
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 12.7x8.7x0.05
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 1
EAN code: 8711117208006
Contents: ca. 2.5 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 12.7x8.7x0.05
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 2
EAN code: 8711117218203
Contents: ca. 2 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 12.7x8.7x0.05
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 8
EAN code: 8711117218753
Contents: ca. 8 zdn
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 12.7x8.7x0.05
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 8
EAN code: 8711117218777
Contents: ca. 8 zdn
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 12.7x8.7x0.05
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus L.
Price code: 3
EAN code: 8711117806240
Contents: 5 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 17x12x0.05
Botanical name: Cucurbita pepo
Price code: 4
EAN code: 8711117806981
Contents: 8 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 17x12x0.05
Botanical name: Cucurbita pepo
Price code: 7
EAN code: 8711117929659
Contents: ca. 6 SDS BV
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 15.25x10.16x0.05
Botanical name: Cucurbita pepo
Price code: 3
EAN code: 8711117806943
Contents: 8 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 17x12x0.05
Botanical name: Cucurbita pepo
Price code: 4
EAN code: 8711117806967
Contents: 8 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 17x12x0.05
Location: Sun/partial shade
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 5 seeds per gram
Planting distance: 140x60 cm
Growth habit: Bush type
Planting height: 40-60 cm
EAN code: 8717202600373
Size of bag: 75x123 mm
Contents of bag: 3 grams (for min. 6 m2)