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Changes in requirements and supervision in connection with RNQP status ToBRFV

News item | 18-12-2024 | 13:30

On 10 October, the NVWA announced that the regulations for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) will change. As of 1 January 2025, the EU emergency measures will expire and ToBRFV will become a Regulated Non-Quarantine Pest (RNQP). Requirements for the marketing of seeds and young plants will remain in force. In this professional report, we will explain the main consequences of the changes.


End of reporting and eradication obligation

Requirements for marketing propagation material

After 1 January 2025, requirements will still apply for marketing propagation material of tomatoes and non-resistant pepper varieties. Seed lots may only be marketed within the European Union (EU) and receive a plant passport if they come from a country that is free of ToBRFV, or if the seed has been tested and found to be free of this virus. The inspection services supervise this. Testing takes place on an officially taken sample, so the sample for testing seeds must be taken by an inspection service or by a company with NAL/LEEZ or BOOT recognition. Young vegetable plants must come from seeds that meet the above conditions.

Requirements for marketing propagation material

After 1 January 2025, requirements will still apply for marketing propagation material of tomatoes and non-resistant pepper varieties. Seed lots may only be marketed within the European Union (EU) and receive a plant passport if they come from a country that is free of ToBRFV, or if the seed has been tested and found to be free of this virus. The inspection services supervise this. Testing takes place on an officially taken sample, so the sample for testing seeds must be taken by an inspection service or by a company with NAL/LEEZ or BOOT recognition. Young vegetable plants must come from seeds that meet the above conditions.

Kontrole uvoza

Zahtjevi se odnose i na uvoz sjemena iz zemalja izvan EU (treće zemlje). Međutim, traženi unos u fitosanitarnom certifikatu više se neće primjenjivati. Treće zemlje koje izvoze u EU moraju osigurati da ispunjavaju sve zahtjeve, uključujući zahtjeve RNQP. Ako fitosanitarni certifikat pokazuje da je serija sjemena adekvatno testirana na ToBRFV u trećoj zemlji, može se koristiti za ponovni izvoz.

Prilikom uvoza sjemena nastavit ćemo sa uzorkovanjem i testiranjem 20% pošiljki nakon 1. januara. Za pošiljke iz Izraela to će biti 50%, a za pošiljke iz Kine 100%. Ako pronađemo ToBRFV, obavještavamo treće zemlje o tome putem obavijesti.

Recorded batches

A number of seed batches have been reported to us as suspect, but have not yet been officially tested. These batches have already been recorded. From 1 January 2025, these seed batches may be brought into trade again. It is also possible to use this seed for research or breeding. There is a condition for bringing this seed into trade: the batches must be stored separately from contaminated seed batches. As with new seed batches, an official sampling or sampling under the supervision of the Inspection Service must have been carried out and the test must have yielded a negative result.

Seed that has been found positive in an official test before or after 1 January 2025 may not be brought into trade under any circumstances, or offered for (re-)export. It is possible to use these batches for breeding or research.

Owners of seed batches that have already been found positive for ToBRFV in an official test before 1 January 2025 will be notified of this by the NVWA and Naktuinbouw.

More information

Consumers and companies can contact our Customer Contact Center. For questions about this news item, journalists can contact our press officers.

Brom: NVWA (Ministry of The Netherlands)


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