Voce-Dehidrirano-Citrus Mix-MG24658
Dehidrirano voce za koktele. Mix citrusnog dehidriranog voca iz nase ponude koje licno proizvodimo.
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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered
Kadifica Kadifica cvet (lat. Tagetes) je rod jednogodišnjih ili višegodišnjih, uglavnom zeljastih biljaka, a pripada porodici suncokreta (Asteraceae ili Compositae). Rod je poreklom iz severne i južne Amerike, ali su neke vrste postale naturalizovane širom sveta. Jedna vrsta, Tagetes minuta, smatra se štetnom invazivnom biljnom vrstom u nekim oblastima.
Dehidrirano voce za koktele. Mix citrusnog dehidriranog voca iz nase ponude koje licno proizvodimo.
A mix of cherry tomatoes made within a strictly controlled environment and treated with care. A mix of cherry tomatoes whose seeds can be found on our website along with the fresh products.
Consumer advice:
EAN code:8711117850939
Contents: 80 grams of seed + 1.8 kg of soil improver
Order quantity: Dimensions in cm: 26.5x18x7.5
Botanical Name:-
EAN code:8711117488606
Contents: approx. 5 grams
Dimensions in cm:12.7x8.7x0.05
Consumer advice
EAN code:8711117851790
Contents: 8 pcs per display
Packaging unit:8
Dimensions in cm: 3x21x18
Consumer advice:
EAN code:8711117548867
Contents: approx. 1.5 grams
Viola Wittrockiana seeds Silver-browed violet are silver-white with purple-blue spots, the white later turns to blue. Zilverbride is a beautiful large-flowered violin. The flowers of the violets are edible.
Consumer advice:
EAN code:8711117873808
Contents: 16 pieces
Dimensions in cm: 20x5.5x5.5
EAN code: 8711117049258
Contents: approx. 5 grams
Dimensions in cm: 15.24x10.5x0.05
Consumer advice:
EAN code:8711117873464
Contents: 1 greenhouse
Dimensions in cm: 19x38x24cm
Benefits of Rose Petals for Natural Health and Beauty - Inside Out Beauty
Rosehip is high in Vitamin C. ...
Rose petals have a relaxing, calming scent. ...
Rose petal tea can help to soothe a sore throat. ...
Studies have shown rose can boost a sluggish liver. ...
Acne and breakouts can benefit from antibacterial rose petals.
Position: Sun/partial shade
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 55 seeds per gram
Plant distance: 30x5 cm
Plant height: 50-70 cm
Bee plant: attracts bees
EAN code: 8717202601301
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Bag contents: 6 grams (for min. 3 m2)
Po izboru Klijenta sektirano-Paket Sezonskog sjemena
Seed weight (indication): 8 seeds per gram
Planting distance: 40x40 cm
Plant height: 20-40 cm
Position: sun-partial shade
Bee plant: attracts bees
Edible flower: Yes
Annual or perennial: Annual flower
EAN code: 8717202602476
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Bag contents: 5 grams (for min. 5 m2)
Consumer advice:
EAN code:8711117850885
Contents: 1x25g Seeds + 1x30g granules
Packaging unit:16
Dimensions in cm: 17x10x4
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