Petrusin-kovrčavi-Peterselie Gekrulde Donkergroene (BIO)-BZO92465
Botanical name: Petroselinum crispum
EAN code:8711117924654
Contents: approx. 1.75 grams
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered
Botanical name: Petroselinum crispum
EAN code:8711117924654
Contents: approx. 1.75 grams
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
A mix of cherry tomatoes made within a strictly controlled environment and treated with care. A mix of cherry tomatoes whose seeds can be found on our website along with the fresh products.
Portulak ili Tušt je zeleno, lisnato povrće koje se može jesti sirovo ili kuvano. Naučno je poznat kao Portulaca oleracea, a naziva se i svinjac, mala svinja, debeljuškast i pusley. Ova sočna biljka sadrži oko 93% vode. Ima crvene stabljike i male, zelene listove.
Consumer advice:
EAN code:8711117548867
Contents: approx. 1.5 grams
Dehidrirano voce za koktele. Mix citrusnog dehidriranog voca iz nase ponude koje licno proizvodimo.
Position: Sun/partial shade
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 55 seeds per gram
Plant distance: 30x5 cm
Plant height: 50-70 cm
Bee plant: attracts bees
EAN code: 8717202601301
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Bag contents: 6 grams (for min. 3 m2)
Žalfija je najlekovitija ako se koristi na ispravan način
Čaj od žalfije je bogat antioksidansima i dobar antiseptik koji ima sposobnost da ojača imuni sistem i oslobodi telo od delovanja štetnih slobodnih radikala
Benefits of Rose Petals for Natural Health and Beauty - Inside Out Beauty
Rosehip is high in Vitamin C. ...
Rose petals have a relaxing, calming scent. ...
Rose petal tea can help to soothe a sore throat. ...
Studies have shown rose can boost a sluggish liver. ...
Acne and breakouts can benefit from antibacterial rose petals.
Dill (Anethum graveolens) is an annual plant from the Apiaceae family. Fennel and chervil come from the same plant family. Dill has fine, needle-like leaves. The fruit is a two-part schizocarp. It is used as a culinary herb with a very refined flavour.
EAN code:8711117808442
Contents: 12 types x 10 bags
Dimensions in cm:55x48x25
Seed weight (indication): 3000 seeds per gram
Plant distance: 35x35 cm
Plant height: 40-50 cm
Position: sunny
EAN code: 8717202600397
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Bag contents: 0.3 grams (for min. 55 m2)
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