Botanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis
EAN code: 8711117011859
Contents: approx. 0.15 grams
Dimensions in cm: 15.24x10.5x0.05
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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered
Botanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis
EAN code: 8711117011859
Contents: approx. 0.15 grams
Dimensions in cm: 15.24x10.5x0.05
Vlašac je samonikla biljka koja raste u Evropi, ali se veruje da je prvobitno stigla iz centralne Azije. Njegov blag ukus koji podseća na crni luk je neizostavni deo bečke kuhinje.
Viola Wittrockiana seeds Silver-browed violet are silver-white with purple-blue spots, the white later turns to blue. Zilverbride is a beautiful large-flowered violin. The flowers of the violets are edible.
Dehidrirano voce za koktele. Mix citrusnog dehidriranog voca iz nase ponude koje licno proizvodimo.
Consumer advice:
EAN code:8711117873464
Contents: 1 greenhouse
Dimensions in cm: 19x38x24cm
Position: Sun/partial shade
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 300 seeds per gram
Plant distance: 60x60 cm
Plant height: 180-200 cm
EAN code: 8717202601325
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Bag contents: 1 gram (for min. 30 m2)
Po izboru Klijenta sektirano-Paket Sezonskog sjemena
Botanical name: Ocimum basilicum
EAN code:8711117910121
Contents: approx. 0.5 grams
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
Botanical name: Petroselinum crispum
EAN code:8711117924647
Contents: approx. 2 grams
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
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