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Equipment for pets
Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered
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Montegreenery/Brandwijk offers a wide range of quality products.
Our products are available in different packaging and weights such as: big bags, bulk bags (such as: 10 kg, 25 kg.) and small packages (such as: 500 grams, 1000 grams), under our own brand, but also private label.
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Montegreenery/Brandwijk offers a wide range of quality products.
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Montegreenery/Brandwijk offers a wide range of quality products.
Our products are available in different packaging and weights such as: big bags, bulk bags (such as: 10 kg, 25 kg.) and small packages (such as: 500 grams, 1000 grams), under our own brand, but also private label.
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Product Range
Montegreenery/Brandwijk offers a wide range of quality products.
Our products are available in different packaging and weights such as: big bags, bulk bags (such as: 10 kg, 25 kg.) and small packages (such as: 500 grams, 1000 grams), under our own brand, but also private label.
Brandwijk has modern packaging lines and weighing installations, allowing for fast, flexible and efficient production.
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EAN-code : 8717202605187
Get started right away with growing fresh sprouts with this complete sprout seed package. In addition to the seeds for the various sprouts, the sprouting tray is also included. So you can get started right away.
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Consumer advice:
EAN code:8711117873464
Contents: 1 greenhouse
Dimensions in cm: 19x38x24cm
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