Microgreens-Starter package-12X10-BZ080840
EAN code: 8711117808404
Contents: 12 types x 10 bags
Dimensions in cm: 55x48x25
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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered
Brokula ima reputaciju superhrane. Ima malo kalorija, ali sadrži obilje nutrijenata i antioksidansa koji podržavaju mnoge aspekte ljudskog zdravlja. Brokula je povrće iz roda krstaša, pored kelja, karfiola, prokulice, bok čoja, kupusa, zelja, rutabage i repe. Brokula je povrće bogato hranjivim tvarima koje može poboljšati vaše zdravlje na različite načine, poput smanjenja upale, poboljšanja kontrole šećera u krvi, jačanja imuniteta i promicanja zdravlja srca.
EAN code: 8711117808404
Contents: 12 types x 10 bags
Dimensions in cm: 55x48x25
Product Range
Montegreenery/Brandwijk offers a wide range of quality products.
Our products are available in different packaging and weights such as: big bags, bulk bags (such as: 10 kg, 25 kg.) and small packages (such as: 500 grams, 1000 grams), under our own brand, but also private label.
Brandwijk has modern packaging lines and weighing installations, allowing for fast, flexible and efficient production.
Botanical name: Beta vulgaris
EAN code: 8711117276500
Contents: approx. 2.5 grams
Dimensions in cm: 12.7x8.7x0.05
Position: Sun/partial shade
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 50 seeds per gram
Plant distance: 20x8 cm
Plant height: 20-40 cm
EAN code: 8717202600052
Bag size: 125x153 mm
Bag contents: 8 grams (for min. 5 m2)
Botanical name: Beta vulgaris
EAN code: 8711117803294
Content: 8 gr.
Dimensions in cm: 15.24x10.5x0.05
EAN code: 8711117808404
Contents: 12 types x 10 bags
Dimensions in cm: 55x48x25
Product Range
Montegreenery/Brandwijk offers a wide range of quality products.
Our products are available in different packaging and weights such as: big bags, bulk bags (such as: 10 kg, 25 kg.) and small packages (such as: 500 grams, 1000 grams), under our own brand, but also private label.
Brandwijk has modern packaging lines and weighing installations, allowing for fast, flexible and efficient production.
Botanical name: Vigna radiata
EAN code: 8711117840602
Contents: 30 grams
Quantity of seeds: 15 / gr.
Dimensions in cm: 15.24x10.5x0.05
Količina semenki: 15 / gr.
Dimensions u cm: 15.24x10.5x0.05
Viola Wittrockiana seeds Silver-browed violet are silver-white with purple-blue spots, the white later turns to blue. Zilverbride is a beautiful large-flowered violin. The flowers of the violets are edible.
Kreš salata od cvekle je vrlo dekorativna kreš s blagim ukusom cvekle. Zemljani ukus ove kreš salate dobro se kombinuje sa slatkim u desertima. Kombinacija sa ribom ili mesom pojačava ukus cvekle. Šareni akcenat čini kres od cvekle i vrlo pogodnim za salate.
Bogat vitaminom B11 (folna kiselina) i izvor vitamina E i magnezijuma.
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