Kupus-crveni-Rode Kool Klimaro F1 (BIO)-BZO92269
Botanical name: Brassica oleracea
EAN code:8711117922698
Contents: approx. 25 zdn
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered
Seed weight (indication): 350 seeds per gram
Plant height: 3-5 cm
Position: sun-partial shade
EAN code: 8717202604296
Bag size: 125x153 mm
Contents of bag: 25 grams
Cabbage Red-Rode kool - Kiemgroente Brassica oleracea-BS9045
Micro Herbs/Red Cabbage Sprouts have beautiful red and green sprout stems and a true cabbage flavor. This micro-herb/sprout has a high decorative and nutritional value.
Cultivation of Germs:
In our assortment, we have a very convenient germination container (click here) for growing sprouts. Growing is very easy with this container/jar!
Fill the sprouting container with tap water to the bottom of the grid.
Sprinkle a thin layer of seeds evenly and with little space between them on the grid.
Store the seed container at room temperature, in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
Check the water level daily and top up the grate if necessary. As long as the seeds have not yet sprouted roots, they should remain moist, but not soaked.
After two days, the seed is attached to the trellis by its germinal root and you can change the cloudy water.
Continue to check the water level daily. The roots of the sprouts should be in water, but keep the seedlings dry. This reduces the risk of mold problems.
The radicles above the mesh may look a bit fuzzy. It looks like a fungal fiber, but it's usually root hairs. Root hairs grow in a nice circle from the taproot and disappear when you moisten them with a plant sprayer.
After 9 to 13 days, the seedlings are 3 to 5 cm long and can be harvested. Cut them with scissors just above the grid.
Botanical name: Brassica oleracea
EAN code:8711117922698
Contents: approx. 25 zdn
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
Botanical name: Brassica oleracea
EAN code:8711117923947
Contents: approx. 25 zdn
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
Seed weight (indication): 350 seeds per gram
Planting distance: 40x30 cm
Plant height: 30-50 cm
Position: sunny
EAN code: 8717202600496
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Bag contents: 1 gram (for min. 15 m2)
Position: Sun/partial shade
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 55 seeds per gram
Plant distance: 30x5 cm
Plant height: 50-70 cm
Bee plant: attracts bees
EAN code: 8717202601301
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Bag contents: 6 grams (for min. 3 m2)
Seed weight (indication): 5.5 seeds per gram
Plant height: 9-12 cm
Position: sun-partial shade
EAN code: 8717202605965
Bag size: 125x153 mm
Contents of bag: 50 grams
Seed weight (indication): 55 seeds per gram
Plant height: 4-10 cm
Position: sun-partial shade
EAN code: 8717202604272
Bag size: 125x153 mm
Contents of bag: 25 grams
Position: Sun/partial shade
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 50 seeds per gram
Plant distance: 20x8 cm
Plant height: 20-40 cm
EAN code: 8717202600052
Bag size: 125x153 mm
Bag contents: 8 grams (for min. 5 m2)
Botanical name: Melissa officinalis
EAN code: 8711117910503
Content: approx. 0.25 gram
Dimensions in cm: 15.24x10.5x0.05
Seed weight: 500 seeds per gram
Plant height: 30-40 cm
Position: sun-parts of shade
EAN code: 8717202604777
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Contents of the bag: 2 grams (enough for 2 m2)
Po izboru Klijenta sektirano-Paket Sezonskog sjemena
Consumer advice:
EAN code:8711117873808
Contents: 16 pieces
Dimensions in cm: 20x5.5x5.5
Seed weight (indication): 280 seeds per gram
Plant height: 4-6 cm
Position: sun-partial shade
EAN code: 8717202604043
Bag size: 125x153 mm
Contents of bag: 25 grams
Seed weight (indication): 600 seeds per gram
Plant height: 2-3 cm
Position: sun-partial shade
EAN code: 8717202605507
Bag size: 125x153 mm
Contents of bag: 25 grams
EAN-code : 8717202605187
Get started right away with growing fresh sprouts with this complete sprout seed package. In addition to the seeds for the various sprouts, the sprouting tray is also included. So you can get started right away.
Seed weight (indication): 1 gram
Plant distance: 20x2 cm
Plant height: 20-30 cm
Position: sun-partial shade
EAN code: 8717202606894
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Contents of bag: 1 gram (for min. 4 m2)
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