Spanać-Spinazie Securo (BIO)-BZO93558
Botanical name: Spinacia oleracea
EAN code:8711117935582
Contents: approx. 15 grams
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered
Location: Sun
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 40 seeds per gram
Planting distance: 150x40 cm
Plant height: 200-300 cm
EAN code: 8717202600038
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Bag contents: 2 grams (for at least 20 m2)
Gherkin 'Hokus' is a green colored gherkin variety that can also be grown in the open ground as long as the spot is sheltered and liberally fertilized.
Vertical cultivation, e.g. along ropes, requires a lot of extra labor! Gherkins are often sown in pots or in a container at the end of April. Sowing locally from mid-May is possible provided it has warmed up sufficiently. A good planting distance is 150 x 40 cm. To keep the crop in check, the vines can be led back or pruned. The plants are sensitive to frost.
Botanical name: Spinacia oleracea
EAN code:8711117935582
Contents: approx. 15 grams
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
Allium schoenoprasum
Vlasac (Allium schoenoprasum) pripada obitelji luka, trajnica je, daje šuplje listove poput trave i cvate u svibnju-srpnju lila-ljubičastim cvjetovima. Listovi imaju lagani, svježi ukus luka.
Žalfija je najlekovitija ako se koristi na ispravan način
Čaj od žalfije je bogat antioksidansima i dobar antiseptik koji ima sposobnost da ojača imuni sistem i oslobodi telo od delovanja štetnih slobodnih radikala
Botanical Name:-
EAN code:8711117488606
Contents: approx. 5 grams
Dimensions in cm:12.7x8.7x0.05
Botanical name: Anethum graveolens
Recommended retail price:
EAN code:8711117010555
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
Botanical name: Solanum melongena
EAN code:8711117920724
Contents: approx. 0.15 grams
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
Botanical name: Zea mays
EAN code: 8711117241409
Contents: approx. 5 grams
Dimensions in cm: 12.7x8.7x0.05
Botanical name: Daucus carota
EAN code:8711117929406
Contents: approx. 1.5 grams
Order Quantity: 5
Packing Unit: 5
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
Botanical name: Apium graveolens
EAN code:8711117927457
Contents: approx. 0.1 grams
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
Radish - Bel Image, Ronde Rode Kortlof
Sow under glass in mid-February - mid-March or from mid-March - mid-August
on open ground. Delicious orange-red radishes, full of vitamins. Very suitable for kindergarten.
Location: Sun
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 40 seeds per gram
Planting distance: 150x40 cm
Planting height: 200-300 cm
EAN code: 8717202600458
Size bag: 75x123 mm
Contents bag: 1.5 grams (for min. 15m2)
Botanical name: Daucus carota
EAN code:8711117929406
Contents: approx. 1.5 grams
Order Quantity: 5
Packing Unit: 5
Dimensions in cm:15.24x10.5x0.05
Position : Sun
Seed type : Open pollinated variety
Seed weight : 350 seeds per gram
Plant spacing : 40x15 cm
Plant height : 25-50 cm
EAN code : 8717202600717
Packet size : 75x123 mm
Content 1 packet (Dutch) : 2 grams (for 10 m2)
Location: Sun
Seed type: Open-pollinated variety
Seed weight (indication): 300 seeds per gram
Planting distance: 40x40 cm
Planting height: 30-60 cm
EAN code: 8717202600526
Size of bag: 75x123 mm
Contents of bag: 1 gram (for min. 15 m2)
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 8
EAN code: 8711117021872
Contents: ca. 8 zdn
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 15.24x10.5x0.05
Position : Sun
Seed type : Open pollinated variety
Seed weight : 140 seeds per gram
Plant spacing : 50x50 cm
Plant height : 60-100 cm
EAN code : 8717202600663
Packet size : 75x123 mm
Content 1 packet (Dutch) : 0,3 grams (for 8 m2)
Groenlof - Early self-closing
Sow outdoors in rows from mid-June to late July and thin 3/4 weeks later. Preferably not transplanted. Green chicory is easy to grow and can withstand frost. It is eaten both raw and cooked.
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 4
EAN code: 8711117921769
Contents: ca. 1 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 15.24x10.5x0.05
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
EAN code: 8711117853459
Order quantity: 9
Packaging unit: 9
Dimensions: 13.5x12.5x12.5
Location: Sun
Seed type: Hybrid variety
Seed weight (indication): 38 seeds per gram
Planting distance: 75x40 cm
Planting height: 200-300 cm
EAN code: 8717202606450
Bag size: 75x123 mm
Bag contents: 5 seeds (for min. 1.5 m2)
Botanical name: Cichorium intybus L.
EAN code: 8711117806356
Content: 12 grams
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions in cm: 17x12x0.05
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 3
EAN code: 8711117021865
Contents: ca. 1 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 15.24x10.5x0.05
Botanical name: Melissa officinalis
EAN code: 8711117910503
Content: approx. 0.25 gram
Dimensions in cm: 15.24x10.5x0.05
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
Price code: 3
EAN code: 8711117804246
Contents: ca. 2 gram
Order quantity: 5
Packaging unit: 5
Dimensions: 15.2x10x0.05
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