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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered

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Green Mix mikrobilje 'Specijalna Ponuda'-Green Mix microgreens 'Special Offer'-MG220123456

Green Mix mikrobilje 'Specijalna Ponuda'

4,28 €
s PDV-om
Ovo pakovanje sadrzi vrste mikrobilja koje su u uzgoju. Period cekanja varira od izabranih sorti i moze varirati od 5 do 21 dan do isporuke na vasu adresu

Pogledajte sve proizvode odMontegreenery

In a special offer for our loyal customers, we have prepared a trial pack of a 20 g microgreens mixture, as a trial quantity in the sense of a promotional package to further make it easier to determine which type of microgreens you choose according to your taste. Like every vegetable, Microgreens has its own specific taste, and this is an opportunity to meet that here and create your own menu according to your taste and wishes... For all questions and arrangements, feel free to contact us on our phone number, or contact us via email. We are here for you and your extraordinary delicious wishes. Enjoy and enjoy the wonderful aromas.

Tehnički list

Isporuka Mikrobilja u pakovanjima težine od:
20 gr.
Isporuka Mikrobilja u pakovanjima težine od:
40 gr.
Isporuka Mikrobilja u pakovanjima težine od:
100 gr.

Specifične reference

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