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Žuti-Yellow Pearshaped-cherry paradajz-MG92830

10,70 €
s PDV-om
Po Narudzbi

Green-Hub. Joy
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Yellow Pear is an extremely old tomato variety, dating back to the 1800's. It bears enormous numbers of bright yellow, bite-sized, pear-shaped cherry tomatoes that will give you fruit until frost. Yellow Pear is probably the most prolific and easy to tend tomato we've ever grown. Extremely disease resistant.

Yellow pear tomatoes have beta-carotene known to neutralize cancer-causing free radicals. They also contain vitamin C, niacin, folate, and potassium which are great for regulating blood pressure, and improving nerve function and muscle control.

What are yellow pear tomatoes good for?

In addition to being tasty, colorful, and perfect tomatoes for snacking and salads, yellow pear plants are also desirable because they are productive. You can expect to get a steady and abundant supply throughout the summer.

Pear tomato or teardrop tomato is the common name for any one in a group of indeterminate heirloom tomatoes. There are yellow, orange, and red varieties of this tomato; the yellow variety being most common. They are generally sweet, and are in the shape of a pear, but smaller.

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