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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered

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4 Info

Šavelj-Kiseli-Blitva-crvena vena-Bloedzuring 'Red Stripe' Rumex sanguineus-BS3315

Težina sjemena: 1100 sjemenki po gramu

Visina biljke: 20-30 cm

Položaj: sunce-dijelovi hladovine

EAN kod : 8717202606894

Veličina kesice: 75x123 mm

Sadržaj kesice: 1 grama (dovoljno za 4m2)

7,36 €
s PDV-om
Po Narudzbi

De Bolster
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Sage-Sour-chard-red vein-Bloedzuring 'Red Stripe' Rumex sanguineus-BS3315

Due to its bright green leaves and red veins, this is one of the most striking varieties of Microbial. Due to its acidic taste, it can be easily eaten in combination with meat, cheese, eggs, fish or in salads, but it is also very decorative on the plate. The leaves are eaten and prepared like spinach, and can be harvested after a few weeks. The leaves are edible. Very good effect for stomach and intestinal digestion.

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