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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered

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4 Info

Radic-Cikoria-Chicory 'Hollandse Middelvroeg'-BS2050

Položaj : Sunce/polusjena

Vrsta sjemena: Otvoreno oprašena sorta

Težina sjemena: 700 sjemenki po gramu

Rastojanje biljaka: 30x15 cm

Visina biljke: 40-50 cm

EAN kod : 8717202601066

Veličina paketa: 75x123 mm

Sadržaj 1 paketa (holandski) : 3 grama (za 30 m2)

4,27 €
s PDV-om
Po Narudzbi

De Bolster
Pogledajte sve proizvode odDe Bolster

Chicory Holland Early has a delicious taste. The cultivation of chicory (both the root and forcing of the head of the crop) should occur on a poorly fertilized soil, thereby slowing the growing process. The seeds have to be sowed shallow. In the end of October/early November, the roots can be dug up. While digging up, cut the leafage at circa 3 cm above the root collar (can be done with a shovel as well). The forcing can take place in a hole outside, in a greenhouse or even in a cellar. Place the roots close to each other, standing upright or a little skew, with the heads just above the ground. Cover the roots with a layer of loose ground of about 15 cm. Once moderate frost is expected, cover the pit. In the end of the winter the loaf is big enough. Obviously, when loafs are on a warmer location they ripen faster.

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