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Sigurnosno Plaćanje preko vaše Banke - Montegreenery Powered

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Ljuta paprika 'Westlandse Lange Rode'-Hot pepper 'Westlandse Lange Rode'-BS1640

Položaj: ned

Vrsta sjemena: Otvoreno oprašena sorta

Težina sjemena: 140 sjemenki po gramu

Rastojanje biljaka: 50x50 cm

Visina biljke: 60-100 cm

EAN kod : 8717202600663

Veličina paketa: 75x123 mm

Sadržaj 1 paketića (holandski) : 0,3 grama (za 8 m2)

4,27 €
s PDV-om
Po Narudzbi

De Bolster
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Hot pepper Westland Long Red has relatively small hot fruits. The pepper is oblong and pointy shaped. The young fruits are green, while maturing they become red. The plants supply a lot of fruits that can be dried as well. The germination can take a while and the plants will flourish best on a well-fertilized soil.

Tip: the peppers can be picked while unripe/green. In that stadium, they taste like a sweet pepper and can be eaten raw, baked or in soup or salad.

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